Sunday, February 26, 2006

gb #20 let it rain

Three years ago I was worried about being able to legally water my garden because of restriction placed the public in light of a years-long drought in central North Carolina. I quickly learned the value of mulching my garden with fallen leaves. This dramatically decreased the amount of water lost from the soil making extra waterings unnecessary in all but the driest of times. Still though the need for water during a few weeks of little or no rain will happen. I was preparing myself to be able to response to such a situation. I began to investigate rainwater collection, storage and use. Much of the world’s human population collects rainwater for drinking and cooking. I was planning to do nothing new. I would like to discuss this topic at length in a future post. In the meantime I point you to the Texas Rainwater Harvesting Manual. It shows ways you can collect rainwater to irrigate your garden or even to provide water for human consumption. Two discarded metal drums have meant I don’t have to worry about rainfall shortages to irrigate my garden.

Make your own rain barrel.

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